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Shortage of Nurses Nationwide


Why Nursing? The Shortage of Nurses Nationwide

你有没有去过医院,注意到护士很着急? You are witnessing the nationwide shortage of nurses. Maybe you’ve had to wait longer than usual for your medication. Or, did you experience delays in getting the care you need?If so, you are not alone. The nationwide nursing shortage is a growing problem. It is impacting the quality of healthcare for many Americans. 专家认为,注册护士的短缺将继续增加! 这种短缺正在导致医疗保健行业发生巨大变化.

T在ladbrokes立博中文版研究这个关键问题的时候,从你的实验室休息一下,学习一下:对护士的需求. We’ll explore the statistics, causes and effects of the nursing shortage.

Buckle up and get ready to connect the dots.

The Demands for Nurses Nationwide

The nursing shortage in the USA is not just a problem: It’s a looming crisis. Shortages threaten the accessibility of healthcare for Americans. We know, you have to see it to believe it. Let’s 仔细看看统计数据,就会发现全国迫切需要更多的护士.

Projected Growth of RNs by Year

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), 从2021年到2030年,注册护士(RNs)的就业预计将增长6%1. That’s much faster than the average for all occupations!

But…What is driving this growth?

Increased emphasis on preventative care

Growing rates of chronic conditions (like diabetes and obesity)

Demand for healthcare services from the aging population.

Here’s the thing, it’s not just a question of more people needing healthcare. 护士队伍正在老龄化,许多护士正接近退休年龄.

Retirement and Workforce Exits increase demand

When considering retirement and workforce exits, the Bureau (BLS)1 projects 203,200 openings for RNs each year through 2031.

Wait…there is more!

Where are the nurses needed?

Rural areas are facing an even greater shortage of nurses. 卫生资源和服务管理局(HRSA)报告说,护士短缺在美国各地并不均匀分布2. In 2018, 据HRSA估计,农村地区对注册护士的需求比现有的多1个百分点,703 full-time equivalent (FTE) nurses. 这意味着生活在农村地区的人获得医疗保健服务的机会较少,可能不得不走更远的路才能获得所需的护理.

Nationwide Nursing Shortage-Rural Areas Need Nurses

The COVID-19 pandemic has only made matters worse. According to the American Nurses Association, the pandemic has caused many nurses to retire early, take time off, or leave the profession altogether3. As a result, this has put additional strain on an already stretched-thin nursing workforce.

So, what do all these numbers mean? We’re facing a SERIOUS, Nationwide Nursing Shortage in the US!

And, it means we need more nurses everywhere in the US. Demand is especially increasing for well-educated nurses. We can’t 更明显的是:现在是时候开始你的护理生涯了. At Beckfield College, we provide 高标准的教育和培训,使ladbrokes立博中文版的护理学生在未来处于领先地位.


An Aging Generation

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, by 2030, all baby boomers will be aged 65 or older, which will make up approximately 20% of the U.S. population4.

Increased life expectancy

美国国家卫生统计中心报告说,美国人的平均预期寿命 United States increased from 68.2 years in 1950 to 76.4 years in 20215.

Rising prevalence of chronic diseases

美国疾病控制与预防中心(CDC)表示,美国每10个成年人中就有6个患有糖尿病.S. have a chronic disease, and four in ten have two or more chronic diseases, placing a significant burden on the healthcare system6.

More Facilities Contributing to the Nationwide Nursing Shortage

Advances in medical technology and treatments

世界卫生组织(世卫组织)强调了医疗技术方面的这些进步, such as new diagnostic tools and treatments, 对熟练医疗保健专业人员的需求有所增加, including nurses7.

With rapid advancements in medical technology, 选择合适的教育机构对许多学生来说可能是一个挑战. At Beckfield College, ladbrokes立博中文版专注于为学生提供所需的知识和实践培训,以便在他们的职业生涯中导航和适应不断发展的技术.

Expansion of healthcare coverage

The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that approximately 20 million people (about the population of New York) 在2010年至2021年期间,由于平价医疗法案(ACA)获得了保险, 增加获得医疗保健服务的人数8.

美国疾病控制与预防中心强调了预防保健在改善整体健康方面的重要性, and the ACA has expanded coverage for preventive services, leading to increased demand for healthcare providers, including nurses, to deliver these services9.

Nationwide Nursing Shortage-Affordable Care Act Impact

Evolving Roles of Nurses Amid the Nationwide Nursing Shortage

Increasing specialization within the nursing profession

美国护士协会(ANA)列出了100多个护理专业, 反映了医疗保健不同领域对专业技能和知识日益增长的需求10.

Growth of nurse practitioners and advanced practice nurses

美国劳工统计局(BLS)预计,从2020年到2030年,执业护士的就业人数将增加52%, much faster than the average for all occupations11

Nationwide Nursing Shortage-Advanced Nurses on the Rise

Nurses take on leadership and managerial roles.

The Institute of Medicine’s report, “The Future of Nursing: Leading Change, Advancing Health,建议护士应该准备在医疗系统和组织中担任领导角色,以改善患者的治疗效果和制定医疗政策 

For career seeking individuals, the real question is: 美国对护士日益增长的需求如何使护理工作变得更加重要 a great choice?

Let’s dive into some of the benefits that come with being a nurse, from job security to personal fulfillment, in a friendly and casual way.

Job security and stability

In today’s unpredictable job market, it’s 知道护理是一种有良好工作保障的职业,这让人松了一口气. Of course, no one can guarantee anything these days. But, the increasing demand for healthcare services, nurses are always needed, 根据需求,这是最稳定的职业选择之一. Plus, the flexibility to work in various settings, from hospitals to private practices, ensuring that you’ll never run out of options.

Diverse career opportunities and specializations


Are you interested in working with newborns? You might become a neonatal nurse. Perhaps you have a passion for helping those with heart conditions? Cardiac nursing could be your calling. With over 100 nursing specialties, you’re sure to find the perfect fit for your interests and skills.

Specializing in Nursing

Personal fulfillment and making a difference in people’s lives

If you’re 寻找一份能让你对他人产生真正影响的职业, nursing is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding choices. As a nurse, you’ll have the opportunity to provide 富有同情心的护理,提供情感支持,并教育患者及其家属. The connections you’ll forge and the lives you’ll 触摸会给你的工作带来深刻的满足感和使命感.

Competitive salaries and benefits

While it’s 选择一个与你的激情相一致的职业是很重要的 doesn’t 知道护理工作也提供有竞争力的薪水和福利让人伤心. Depending on your experience, education, and location, you can enjoy a comfortable income in this in-demand field. Plus, many healthcare employers offer excellent benefits packages, including health insurance, retirement plans, and even tuition reimbursement for continued education.

许多人在做任何决定之前都会考虑他们的职业选择,以确保他们所有的问题都得到了回答. When it comes to a nursing career, based on everything above… you’ve got a winning choice.

如果你还有疑问,让ladbrokes立博中文版为你解答这些问题, contact us now.

美国全国护理人员短缺是一个严重影响患者的问题, healthcare workers, and the healthcare system. You can view the nursing shortage in two ways: as a crisis or as an opportunity to invest in your career. The nursing career or healthcare in general needs human beings. The rise of technology and AI will take a long time to begin providing substitution. 如果你做出正确的选择,今天对护士日益增长的需求可能是你未来的祝福.

Learn more about Beckfield’s nursing programs, The Bachelor of Science in Nursing, The Associate Degree in Nursing, or The Practical Nursing

Specialties of Nursing

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